
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Exciting! Massa rely on DRS in Sepang Circuit

Sepang- Challenging Sepang Circuit in Malaysia would host and hold the second series of F1 racing, Sunday (10 / 4), and it is very suitable use of powerful DRS (drag reduction system). Because, a track whose length is 5.543 km for 15 corners, it owns two long straight tracks adjacent to each other.

If in Australia yesterday, Jenson Button (McLaren) and Fernando Alonso (Ferrari), racing in the neighboring country, Alonso's teammate, Felipe Massa will also use the DRS. Although he believes is very likely a mistake in operating the rear wing in a straight line.

Massa is now again awaiting a decision from the FIA, where the allowed path using DRS. Brazilian rider is hoping the track straight ahead of the final corner for longer, so more had a chance to overtake.

"With the use of moving the rear wing, his condition would be more interesting. Because, for now, the new permitted on the track straight out of the final corner to the first corner (in front of the pit)," explained Massa. If it comes in both straight tracks are allowed to use DRS, he added, would be too easy to bulldoze opponents.

He took the example, when the opponent is behind the vehicle, driver intentionally does not overtake, but keep the length of time on the track first. Once inside the second straight track (front pit) just overtaken.

Massa had an unpleasant experience when competing in Australia. it involved fierce competition with Button who was then using DRS. Several times daring poke Button, to the extent that almost happen often nudge. In fact, Button had cut paths result in a collision avoidance.

Button aggressiveness was considered to be very dangerous, director of the race - after receiving a report from the jury (stewart of the meeting) - wearing a penalty "drive through penalty."

With Massa's serious decision tend to use DRS, it means that elegant Ferrari will compete with amazing McLaren.

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