
Monday, April 18, 2011

General Motors, owner of Patent Most Environmentally Friendly Technology

New York: American car manufacturers, General Motors (GM), registered as a company that pocketed most patents in the field of environmentally friendly technology throughout 2010.

Manufacturers are pocketing 135 patents, or 14 percent of 1881 total patents in that field who registered by 700 institutions.

"The patent is registered by GM including to technology in the field of hybrid and electric vehicles, to solar power. GM's focus on technology development and for the future," told by Alan Taub, vice president of GM's global research and development as reported by, Saturday (16 / 4).

Thanks to the acquisition of these patents, total patents now owned by GM to reach 940. The amount is at once to put GM in the ranks of 25 companies the biggest patent owners in the land of Uncle Sam.

"Its presence (GM) at the top of the list of largest companies owner of the patent is the first time," revealed by Victor Cardona, vice chairman of Cleantech Group, the rating agencies are examining patents in the United States.

Legal entity based in Albany, New York, it is the parent of Heslin Rothenberg Farley & Mesiti, a research company focuses on intellectual property rights. The company every year publishes to win company index of most patents in the field of environmentally friendly technology.

Technology was among others in the field of electric and hybrid vehicles, solar power, wind and geothermal energy, biofuels and some other renewable energy. The results was published on Friday (15/4) along the 2010

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