
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Ford to develop Diesel cars in India.

Withpetrol prices spiralling upward, Ford India will largely focus on dieselrun cars for future launches. According to Mr Nigel Wark executive director ofFord India,petrol prices are becoming high and this has swung the proportion of cars soldin favour of diesel models.

Mr Wark said Ford India had lined up eight productlaunches by the middle of the decade. 

He said that "The upcoming products will bemainly on the diesel platform. This has created a lot of stress to manufacturediesel cars.”

Mr Wark said that "This year we will betouching the 100,000 mark.” He added that Ford India was aiming to expand at afaster pace than the industry, which was growing at 17%.

Ford's new small car was contributing to thecompany's sales in a major way. The company is exporting the Figo to 50countries.

Clocking a sales figure of 83,000 units in 2010,the company has already crossed sales of 58,000 units so far.

(Sourced from ET)

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